Youth at
Hadwen Park
Unleashing the power of youth
for a better world.
Our Youth Group is a place that is safe for youth to discuss topics, have fun, and offer their gifts.
The group goes on excursions, hosts various fundraisers, and conducts service projects.
Mission Trips
In service of others, the Youth Group and their adult chaperones go on annual short-term mission trips that range from 6-7 days.
There are daily group discussions and worship services that foster self-reflection and growth.

Additional Programs
Come be inspired and empowered to become compassionate leaders and faithful followers of Christ.
At Hadwen Park, we believe that our youth are a vital part of our community. We offer a variety of engaging programs and activities designed to help children and teens grow in their faith, build meaningful relationships, and create lasting memories.
Please contact Rachel Decatur for more details: rdecatur74@gmail.com
The church sponsors and hosts BSA Troop (Ages 11–17) and Cub Pack 22 (Grades K–5) on Thursday nights September–May.
Are you a young music enthusiast?
Join our upcoming youth choir and embark on a musical journey of growth and camaraderie.
We strive to teach children how to listen for the words of God and follow the teachings of Jesus, and so build a strong foundation for a faithful life.
In July we host a fun, weeklong Vacation Bible School.
From water slides to elaborate set designs and soccer lessons, it is a Vacation Bible School like none other.

Youth Program

Give Today
All of the support we receive to keep our doors wide open comes from members and others who believe in our mission and vision.
Will you help?